What is VocaBOOM?

A competitive ‘game-based’ program, where teams play VocaBOOM games, with the aim of improving your child's quality of English, by introducing him/her to better words to express him/herself and also spell the words

How does VocaBOOM work?
How do we ensure Follow-Up?
What is the class and course duration?
What are the levels offered? Is there a certificate given at the end of this program?
What happens after the child finishes his/her first year? When does this course end?
Whom should I contact?
How is VocaBLOOM different from VocaBOOM?
Does a program of 8 sessions make a difference?
How do we ensure that what is taught remains with the child?
Which is the best time of the year to enrol my child into this program?
Is the program delivered differently in different cities?
What is the maximum capacity of a batch? Is there a certificate given at the end of this program?
Will this program help my child in his/her academics?
What is the ideal age to enrol in this program?
What is the maximum capacity of a batch? Is there a certificate given at the end of this program?
How soon will I see a difference in my child?
Does my child have to attend VocaBOOM in order to enrol in VocaFLOW- THE-IDEAS?
Which is a better program to enrol my child in – VocaBOOM or VocaFLOW-THE-IDEAS?
Is VocaFLUENT only for women homemakers or can men also participate?
Will the participant start conversing in English at the end of the program?
Is there too much of homework?
Can a group of friends who are couples enrol into the program and form a batch together?
Can children also enrol in this program?
Is there a certificate given at the end of this program?
How many levels does GRAMMARON have?
What is the ideal age to enrol my child?
What is the maximum capacity of a batch?
Will I see a difference in my child’s grammar grades? Is there too much of homework?
Which is a better program to enrol my child in – VocaBOOM, GRAMMARON or VocaFLOW-THE-IDEAS?
Can my child enrol in two programs simultaneously?
Is there a certificate given at the end of this program?